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Personal Injury Attorney

Chicago Car Accident Attorney

What to do if you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident

Before anything, make sure you or any passengers require medical attention and if so, call the ambulance right away. There are different kinds of car accidents: minor and major. These differ in severity of injury as well as damage to vehicles. Depending on the type of accident, the next course of action can differ:

  • You should contact an attorney whether you’ve experienced a major or minor car accident, and you should do so immediately.
  • Do not give a statement to the other party’s insurance company. You can contact your own insurance company.
  • Remember that no one will be looking out for your best interests until you retain an Illinois car accident lawyer.

Read more about what to do after car accident >

If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, get a free consult with Jason Rubens – an experienced personal injury attorney.

Common types of injuries that motor vehicle accidents can cause

The number of accidents that result in injury or injuries can certainly be frightening. The most common injuries sustained following a car accident in Chicago or elsewhere include:

  • Ruptured Bicep Tendon
  • Torn Rotator Cuff
  • Herniated/Bulging Disc
  • Torn Meniscus
  • Torn Labrum
  • Torn ACL
  • TFCC Tear
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Fractures (broken bones)

Jason Rubens personal injury attorney know how to win car accident cases

The personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney at The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C. understand the process of car accident cases. Jason Rubens knows that it can be difficult to handle these cases alone – here are some examples of what he’s won for clients:

  • $1,000,000.00 binding mediation award for a car accident victim with multiple fractures and a total knee replacement.
  • $600,000.00 for a pedestrian struck by a car.
  • $562,973.46 (fresh money after workers’ compensation set-off) for a truck driver who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and required a neck surgery.

Read more on our record of success page

If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, get a free consult with an experienced personal injury attorney.

FAQs about Chicago car accident cases

Whether or not they’re working with an automobile accident lawyer, drivers have a lot of questions following an accident in Chicago, and rightly so. Explore the most commonly asked questions and get the answers you need below.

I was just involved in an automobile accident in Chicago. What should I do?

Never say anything regarding the facts of the accident. Anything you say can be potentially used against you. You may say something you do not mean when you are excited or angry. If you are in pain go to a doctor immediately.
Read more >

I was involved in a hit and run accident in Chicago. What are my rights?

If your insurance policy has uninsured motorist coverage, you can generally collect for the same elements of damage that you could if the person that hit you was caught and had insurance. This means that, generally, you can collect for your medical bills, lost time from work, and any pain and suffering you incurred and will incur as a result of the accident.

Is it necessary to see a doctor?

If you are in pain, go to a doctor immediately. Your failure to seek immediate medical care when you are in pain may be used against you.

I received an offer from the insurance company that is a strange figure. How was the offer calculated?

Insurance companies are in the business of making money for their shareholders. Despite what they may tell you, they do not have your best interest in mind. The offer is probably the lowest offer they think you will accept. One trick is for an insurance company to offer you a strange figure (example $2,749.48). They are hoping that you will think they made some type of calculation through a formula to arrive at this figure. There is no specific formula for determining the value of a personal injury case. An offer of a strange figure is most likely a psychological trick to make you think there is a specific formula and that is all you are entitled to.

I was found to be at fault in the accident. Can I still recover damages?

The laws surrounding this vary state-by-state. If you were partially at fault for the accident there is a chance you may still be able to seek damages – in these cases, it’s best to work with an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer.

How much compensation will I receive?

There is no set amount that every individual who files a personal injury case will receive. The amount will vary based on your injury, medical bills, loss of income, and other factors.

How long will it take for me to receive compensation?

This can vary depending on the severity of your injury or injuries, among other factors. You won’t want to settle your claim until you’ve received proper medical care, so the longer your injuries take to heal, the longer it may take to settle your claim and receive appropriate compensation.

Why do lawyers want to be contacted immediately following an accident?

From the minute the accident occurs, the insurance company is investigating the occurrence. They are attempting to gather any evidence that will lower their exposure to a potential claim. By contacting a lawyer immediately, you will have someone working for you and gathering evidence on your behalf. Remember: unlike an insurance company, your automobile accident lawyer has your best interest in mind.

Contact a Chicago Personal Injury Attorney if you need representation for a motor vehicle accident. 

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