Top Personal Injury Settlement Amounts and Verdicts
$2,700,000.00 – Car accident victim who suffered a traumatic brain injury and perforated colon.
$1,750,000.00 for a car accident victim.
$1,005,000.00 (policy limit) for the family of a victim of a wrongful death truck accident claim.
$1,000,000.00 for a sexual assault victim.
$1,000,000.00 binding mediation award for a car accident victim with multiple fractures and a total knee replacement.
$1,000,000.00 (policy limit) – Underinsured motorist death claim (offsets applied).
$950,000.00 – Assault victim in a hotel security case.
$900,000.00 plus waiver of a $191,000.00 workers’ compensation lien for a concert and theater worker who was struck by a semi-trailer door and sustained facial fractures and herniated discs in his neck. (premises)
$900,000.00 for a truck driver crushed by a malfunctioning trailer.
$890,000.00 – Plus waiver of workers’ compensation lien for a food production worker who sustained multiple amputated fingers as a result of a crush injury.
$825,000.00 – Truck driver involved in an accident with another truck, requiring a lumbar spine fusion.
$750,000.00 – Automobile accident victim who suffered from a tib/fib fracture with surgery.
$635,000.00 plus complete waiver of a workers’ compensation lien for a lifelong teamster who injured his back when a truck rolled away from a dock while he was unloading it with a forklift. He was unable to return to work but did not have surgery.
$600,000.00 for a pedestrian struck by a car.
$562,973.46 (fresh money after workers’ compensation set-off) for a truck driver who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and required a neck surgery.
$562,500.00 for an automobile accident victim that was injured as a result of a rideshare driver’s negligence.
$560,000.00 plus reduction in workers’ compensation lien for a truck driver who sustained a torn rotator cuff with surgery as a result of a fall in a rail yard.
$550,000.00 for a construction accident victim.
$500,000.00 (Policy Limits without litigation) for a pedestrian struck by an automobile that suffered from multiple fractures.
$500,000.00 – Car accident victim who suffered from a torn rotator cuff with surgery and a disc herniation in her neck.
$469,500.00 – Passenger who suffered multiple serious injuries in an automobile accident.
$450,000.00 and waiver of workers’ compensation lien for an executive who suffered bilateral shoulder injuries with surgeries as a result of a construction accident.
$441,688.00 jury verdict for a 71 year old medical van operator who suffered from an operated partially torn rotator cuff as a result of an accident with a CTA bus. The CTA offered $150,000.00 a few days prior to trial. The jury awarded $229,129.00 in past and future wage loss which was heavily disputed by the CTA.
$369,500.00 for a client who suffered from a fractured clavicle with surgery and a fractured leg as a result of an accident caused by a semi truck.
$350,000.00 for the estate of a woman struck and killed by a truck (policy tendered by truck’s insurance carrier).
$315,000.00 for a passenger in a cab involved in an automobile accident that suffered from multiple facial fractures.
$310,000.00 for a shoulder tear with surgery that resulted from a slip and fall accident.
$300,000.00 (Policy limits) for the victim of a dog attack that sustained permanent scars and an arm injury requiring surgery.
$295,000.00 for a slip and fall victim with an operated back.
$275,000.00 for a delivery driver who injured his back in a dock accident.
$266,666.00 for a car accident victim with a fractured jaw.
$255,000.00 for a client who underwent lumbar spine surgery as a result of a car accident.
$250,000.00 for a 70 year old bicycle rider who was struck and killed by an automobile with heavily disputed liability. No offer was made prior to litigation.
$250,000.00 (policy limit) – Pedestrian struck by a car who suffered from torn tendons and nerve damage in her foot and ankle.
$250,000.00 (policy limits) for a workers’ compensation investigator involved in a motor vehicle accident which caused the need for a lumbar fusion.
$250,000.00 (policy limits) – Car accident victim who suffered a severe concussion.
$245,000.00 for a custodian who slipped and fell due to the negligence of a separate cleaning company and fractured her wrist which also caused the need for a carpal tunnel surgery.
$235,000.00 for a woman who shattered her knee cap and fractured her arm in an automobile accident. Liability was initially denied.
$225,000.00 premises liability settlement plus a significant reduction of a workers’ compensation lien for a cable installer who sustained a torn knee with surgery as a result of a co-worker slipping and falling on torn carpeting into him while he was climbing stairs.
$225,000.00 for a woman who suffered a mild brain injury as a result of an automobile accident.
$225,000.00 for a woman who suffered a mild brain injury as a result of an automobile accident.
$225,000.00 for a homeowners’ policy claim for a severely lacerated arm that was caused by a homeowner who failed to provide the Plaintiff with safe tools to work.
$225,000.00 for a binding arbitration award for a delivery driver who had a herniated disc that required surgery for a premise liability case.
$207,500.00 for a tenant who fractured her shoulder after falling down stairs.
$187,500.00 – Premises liability case in which an owner’s dog knocked the client down, fracturing his leg and requiring surgery.
$185,000.00 for a car accident victim with an operated neck (heavily disputed causation).
$175,000.00 for a client who required a cervical spine fusion due to a slip and fall accident at her apartment complex with heavily disputed liability that occurred during a power outage.
$153,000.00 for a client with a disc bulge who was injured in an automobile accident. The insurance company offered $10,000.00 prior to our involvement.
$150,000.00 for a plumber who suffered from an operated torn rotator cuff as a result of a slip and fall construction accident (heavily disputed liability).
$145,000.00 settlement with the United State Post office for an airline worker that injured his cervical spine due to a faulty conveyor belt.
$135,000.00 for an elderly man who was hit by a car in a parking lot and suffered fractures.
$133,333.00 for a car accident victim with a surgically repaired knee.
$132,000.00 for a trip and fall at a retail store that caused an aggravation of a bilateral knee injury.
$132,000.00 – Car accident victim who suffered from a shoulder tear.
$130,000.00 for a car accident victim that suffered a hip fracture.
$130,000.00 (two policy limits) – Woman who suffered multiple injuries as a result of an automobile accident.
$125,000.00 for a slip and fall accident that resulted in a fractured hand with surgery.
$125,000.00 – Slip and fall at a Walgreens that resulted in torn ligaments and surgery.
$125,000.00 and approximately $500,000.00 reduction in a workers’ compensation lien for a construction worker who suffered multiple injuries in a heavily disputed construction accident.
$118,000.00 for a retired woman who tripped and fell on an exposed cable at her condominium and suffered a fractured arm with surgery.
$115,000.00 (Policy limits) for a woman who sustained a fractured leg that required surgery as a result of an automobile accident. The entire insurance policy was obtained within 90 days of the accident without the need to file a lawsuit
$110,000.00 (policy limit) for a death case with an insurance coverage issue in which Plaintiff was never offered anything until she retained our firm.
$105,000.00 (policy limit) for a passenger in an automobile accident with multiple fractures.
$101,000.00 (policy limits plus medical pay limits) for a woman bit by a dog who had a facial scarring.
$100,000.00 for a woman who sustained a head injury as a pedestrian who was struck by a truck.
$100,000.00 (policy limits without litigation) for the victim of an automobile accident that suffered from a shoulder tear and knee tear.
$100,000.00 – Client involved in a motor vehicle accident who aggravated a pre-existing back injury requiring surgery.
$100,000.00 (policy limit) for a woman who suffered a fractured leg with surgery as a result of an automobile accident.
$100,000.00 (policy limit) for a man hit by an automobile while riding his bicycle who suffered from a fractured vertebrae.
$100,000.00 (policy limit) for a client involved in an automobile accident that suffered a fractured wrist that required 2 surgeries.
$100,000.00 (policy limit) for a car accident victim that suffered from an operated torn rotator cuff.
$100,000.00 (policy limits) – Car accident victim who suffered a torn meniscus (knee) with surgery. $100,000.00 (policy limits) – Car accident victim who suffered from a fractured leg and scars.