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Workers’ Compensation For Torn Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Injuries

Experiencing a torn rotator cuff and shoulder injury can be extremely painful, forcing you to take time off from work to recover. It’s common that shoulder injuries will also lead to shoulder and rotator cuff surgery. A worker’s compensation lawsuit can offer you the support you need to recover from your rotator cuff injury.

Shoulder and rotator cuff injury settlements from The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C.

  • $450,000.00 and waiver of workers’ compensation lien for an executive who suffered bilateral shoulder injuries with surgeries as a result of a construction accident.
  • $375,000.00 for a sanitation worker who suffered a torn shoulder in an accident at work which required surgery and left him with permanent restrictions.
  • $325,000.00 for a laborer who suffered an injury requiring bilateral rotator cuff repairs.
  • $325,000.00 for a warehouse manager who suffered from a rotator cuff injury while moving a ladder at work which required 2 surgeries and resulted in permanent work restrictions.
  • $250,000.00 for a concrete laborer who suffered from a torn rotator cuff with surgery.

You may qualify to receive compensation for rotator cuff surgery – Contact Jason Rubens to get help filing your work comp claim. 

Let an experienced injury attorney at The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C. take on your torn rotator cuff case

If you’ve suffered a shoulder and rotator cuff injury at work, you may be entitled to file an injury claim. Even if you’re unsure if you’ve developed this injury outside of work, working could have made it more severe. 

Torn rotator cuff injuries are very common so make sure you get the compensation you deserve if you’ve suffered a shoulder injury.

“Couldn’t pick a better team! They will lead you all the way to your best solution. Frequent communication with you  on frequent updates. Great team!” – Claudine G

What constitutes a rotator cuff tear?

A torn rotator cuff occurs when the tendon is torn away from the shoulder bone. This separation can commonly happen as a result of lifting heavy objects and repeated stress on the shoulder. Torn rotator cuff injuries can happen suddenly or over time as a result of repeated activity.

If a rotator cuff tear goes untreated you may experience significant limitations in the function of your shoulder and arm. It is common that torn rotator cuffs will require surgery to fully repair arm function.

If a partial rotator cuff tear isn’t treated they can result in a complete and total tear.

Schedule a free consultation with Jason Rubens if you think you’ve suffered from a shoulder and rotator cuff injury at work

Types of workers that have a higher risk of torn rotator cuff and shoulder injuries

If you work in these industries, you may have a higher risk of enduring a torn rotator cuff or shoulder injury:

Reach out to Jason Rubens to start your claim for a torn rotator cuff or shoulder injury

He will get back to you within 2 hours of your inquiry

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FAQs about rotator cuff & shoulder injury claims

Is torn rotator cuff surgery covered by workers comp?

Yes, it is possible that you’re entitled to seek workers’ compensation as a result of a torn rotator cuff or shoulder injury.

What is the average rotator cuff and shoulder injury settlement in Illinois?

The average settlement for a rotator cuff and shoulder injury in Illinois can start around $100,000. Check out our proven record success to see how we’ve helped out clients earn compensation for their rotator cuff injuries.

How do you file a personal injury claim for a torn rotator cuff?

First, your claim must be filed in the county where the court has proper jurisdiction. Then, after your medical treatments have been sorted out, an attorney will gather proof and damage to submit for monetary demand. Read more about this process on our blog about filing a personal injury claim in Illinois.